
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Drunken Gypsy Writers Throwdown Pt. 1

Okay this is a bit late but I have to go ahead and post his now because there is a part 2 coming soon. allow me if you will to give you a bit of back story.

I met these fine folks many years ago at a Vampire the Masquerade LARP group in Stephenville. As it turns out they have become some of the best friends I've ever had. Through many ups and downs they have always been there for me without fail. Recently some of us got together and formed the Drunken Gypsy Writers group. Thanks to Derick Davis and the Reverend Russel Davis the group has flourished and grown to include many of the best people we know. Insightful and passionate they have much wisdom to share. We decided that at least once a month we would all come together and throw down. The rules are simple. You drink and then you receive a prompt. 15 or 20 minutes later, depending on who is holding the clock, you are required to present a piece for us all. It is fun but it is also a labor of love. We all have thoughts and words and meaning trapped inside of us and this is designed to release that into the world for us all to contemplate. Everyone involved is talented, deep, passionate and often profound. Some of us are way too drunk but still capable. Not one of us are sober. Like Bukowski we relvel and descend and love and dig and sometimes hate you all but we do this for us, we do this for you. We do this for love and the love of life. Afterwards we geek-out, we DnD, we dance and sing and drum and sleep under the stars. We are the Drunken Gypsy Writers and this was our first Throwdown!

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