
Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Portals; I mean doorways, like transitions, and passages; not roads but portals.

So we walk the road of life and we chop it into chunks. Like a segmented worm, or a box of Twinkies all the little cakes separated into fist sized chunks. Three-hundred and sixty- five days of toil and conflict, made into weeks of 5 days on, 2 days off. You watch as every second ticks by; the clock is always in your head, telling you that you don’t have the time. Suffering with how many months of, how many months until? Three months until my birthday, two months until Easter, Only 11 months until Christmas.

Stand back and look at it from January first and it’s a road. It’s a long road, 365 days long. And if you look at the end, from the beginning, you just might be able to see your back in the doorway that lies at the end. Look at it from where you stand and it’s no less a daunting task, but it’s no longer a long road. Instead it’s a short moment, only a moment and nothing more a portal from this moment to the next. Every moment brings us closer to the beginning of the next long road ahead. It is this day hat’s important, this hour, this minute, this very moment.

Right now we are standing at the threshold of a new year, inside rather than out, and there is an opportunity here. This year could be the best year of our lives. All it takes is remembering that the journey is made of moments, and in each of those moments we have to make the choice on how we will cross into the next. Pass through your momentary portals, make your choices and make them well. Should you find yourself, somewhere In the balmy spring afternoon sun, crying at the state of your life you can still have the best year of your life, if you make other choices. Choose to be happy. Make your resolutions if you find it a necessary ritual, but don’t loose sight of the goal…this is the best year of our lives and we are going to live every moment as if it were so.

Portals; I mean portals, like teleporters, and dimension doors; not roads but portals granting us access to every moment.



1 comment:

  1. D-
    I think that hopefully I am finding out how to make my choices and make my life what I want, I agree that we all must realize...we are here coz we want to be here,and here being in this world. I have come to realize it takes just one small thought process to connect to yourself. To make a light come on and you see, truely see how you can change your life. You are only stuck if you make yourself. So many ppl dont see the potential of themselves...and I was..WAS one of them. Its amazing to know that I am strong, I have a voice and by god it will be heard because I deserve it. We all at the end of the day, deserve it.
    Pepper Ann


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