Oft times the essence of a thing is difficult to grasp. Definitions and meanings are simple enough, judgments of a thing made by man. Rules created by the few and followed loyally by the many in order to box and file away our thoughts into convenient compartments, the essence of language and the thread that holds our society together. For ponder what would become of a thing if we could not make ourselves understood? Ruin would befall us; our culture would collapse into chaos and madness. Some would like to think that from the ashes of this a Phoenix would raise a great new world, a Zion fresh and pure. Human nature itself gives lie to this fantasy we are creatures bent on subverting our animal nature and giving only lip service to it while we destroy those weaker than ourselves and force our will upon the world. There are Masters and there are those who serve them. That is the way of things from the poorest country to the richest nation on earth. The very animals we disdain as a lower order of being accept this as an every day part of life why then cannot man do the same? Is it that we hold ourselves to a higher standard? Is it because we know now the difference between right and wrong? No, it is simply that we have allowed ourselves to coddle the weak and stupid. Instead of drowning the mentally unstable we house, feed, and care for them giving them a false sense of belonging. We rescue the down trodden instead of using and discarding them according to their usefulness. We praise foolishness and mediocrity every day and only celebrate true achievement in internet blogs and lifestyle magazines that the vast majority would neither read nor understand should they by some twist of fate come across them. Human beings, by our very nature, strive to make better something that is already working the way it was intended to.We always have to fix something, make it more efficient, faster, bigger, brighter, sexy! It is the carinval of the consumerist world. Flashy lights blaring music and a few drinks and all is well. Distract us O' Lord that we may never have to face the reality of our own failing. In truth we are ment to live with this world not just in it. we are here to explore our selves and expend out minds, spirits and bodies. We are supposed to indulge in the fascination of our sences, we are required to learn from our mistakes and move on and up better than we were before.Some of us, choose to ignore our human nature and instead has decided that this is not right, moral, or according to “gods” law and we endeavor to change this within themselves and others by force or coercion and fail miserably again and again. Humans fail not because we lack the drive to succeed but rather because nature wins out every time, period end of discussion.
This being the case I have chosen to step away from convention and walk a different path. One less traveled and thus open to… interpretation, if you will allow. My path, if you are one of those who need to define things, is rooted in Satanism but largely chaotic in nature, meaning that I will use what is useful and discard that which is not. I should not have to tell you faithful reader to research before you draw your conclusions but I shall in the interest of self preservation. Research Satanism and Chaos Magic, practice and discover for your self then draw your conclusions. Never believe that you know something that you have never stood in the midst of, never taken in and felt. I don't understand being a fag. I just don't and I will never pretend to be able to give homo's a lecture on right and wrong. it is not my place not my right not my business.
We should all strive to think that way. Just because some girl is indulging in her sexuality does not make her any less than that fucking evil bitch who keeps knocking on my front door with a bible in her hand. In my personal estimation the bible bitch is worse. I praise the bravery and sheer openess of the freak. The bible bitch just irritates me. Why? The slut at leaast is providing some service and enjoying her self in the process. It is enjoyable to watch her, fuck her and hear of her exploits. While she may very well have psychological problems or be strung out at least she is not doing what the bible bitch is doing. Forcing her fucking ideas on others. You don't see small groups of sluts knocking on doors passing out their little hey be a slut pamphlets. Nine times out of ten, five out of ten if they are drunk, sluts keep their personal fucking affairs to them selves if for no other reason than fear of persecution. The Fucking bible bitch on the other hand feels like it is not just her duty to spread the lie, sorry the word, But that she has some fucking god given right to accost people on the street, invite herself into your home and pass judgement on how you live! In your face! if the fucking bible bitch was not 80 she would be missing some fucking choppers.
Let's take a vow here and now dear readers. Let's take a stand before it is too late. Let's all accost and persecute the fucking bible bitches of the world! if they accost you on the street, accost them back. if they persecute you in your home, bash their petty little theories and half wit attempts at decoding the bible. What forget your fucking decoder ring bitch? If they hand you a pamphlet tear it to peices before their eyes and hand it back. At least you saved some other poor sap from getting the same one. In other words do what I have been doing for years. STOP BEING SO FUCKING POLITE TO THESE PEOPLE! They are invading your space and being nothing but rude to you. Treat their asses in kind man. Come on buck up!
Unless you are one of them. In that case please take offence to this...Pretty please. I dare you!
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