
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Looking Back

One thing I loved about Photography and Photoshop as a hobby was that I got an opportunity to show things as I saw them. The whole idea for The KimbleViewPoint came from my experiences learning how to shoot and manipulate photographs.

And I shot everything from hoppers:

To Nuns:

In looking forward I thought I'd take a moment to look back. In this blog I wanted to share the art and images that moved me then. These things that I created as a personal remembrance of what is possible.

So, enjoy. Tell me what you think.
Welcome to Toy Land
This is one of my favorites. There were always so many little toys and stuff scattered all over the house. They made perfect subjects.

Satan was a recurring subject. At the time understanding the adversary was an important part of my life. He's featured often and I as him.
The Devourer
You know, eating souls and what not.
Angel of Mercy
And then there was the other side of the coin. I find all religious imagery fascinating and I created a series of "Lesser Gods" to go with this one.
The Piper
I also really enjoyed shooting people. Like the Nuns I prefered the subjects never know I was there.
Native Man
The Unmasking
And then there were the self portraits. I took a lot of these and often turned them inside out.

See more Here.

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You are welcome to say what ever you want to say here. I have my ViewPoint you have yours. All I ask is kep it civil.