
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Truth Bomb

Ok. There are these lists of questions going around the internet these days. I figured that I would finally fill one out. This one is in response to a sister I didn't know I had until about two years ago. That's another story. Not one I'm sure I want to share with y'all yet. So, for now, catch this Truth Bomb.

This version expands on the original.
* How old? 43. I think. Ask my wife.

*  Piercings? Not anymore. Back in the day though ... It was just ears. Well and that one time I got my tongue pierced. That was a mistake.

* Tattoos? Yes. They are all very personal and require explanation and a follow-up Q&A. I try to keep them covered.

* Ever hit a deer? Yes. I was in a fully loaded Semi-feed truck at the time. Luckily I was only going 55 and already downshifting.

* Ridden in an ambulance? Twice. The first time I think I was dying. It was a long time ago and I was sick as fuck so ... The second time I should have been dead but I escaped completely unscathed. Don't drive on Saint Patrick's day even if you wait until 3am for all of the assholes to die or get locked up.

* Sang karaoke? Hell yes. And I've done Rock Band karaoke too. I play 🎸.

* Ice skated? Not exactly. I put the skates on. Stepped on the ice and 🐱. Not my most gangster moment.

* Ridden a motorcycle? Yes. Well. I held on for dear life while some dude drove. I did this willingly, by the way. Not my most gangster moment.

* Stayed in the hospital? Way too much as a kid. Not so much post whiskey and weed.

* Skipped school? Lol. Yeah. A lot. Some of my favorite memories are of fucking up the block when I was supposed to be in school.

* Last text? I don't text. I Messenger.

* Watched someone die? Unfortunately yes. Too often.

* Pepsi or Coke? Yeah. No.

* Favorite pizza? There used to be this place called Romanos. Unfortunately, the Old times are over around here. Kids these days. Ya know?

*Favorite season? Summer. I'm a pure 🌞  sign.

* Broken any bones? Depends. Had a knee injury. Broke a lot of bones in my hands fighting. The first year I knew my wife I walked around with a broken finger. Nothing you can do. Keep living, punch shit if you have to. Hands heal. Shits get like concrete.

* Gotten a ticket? Yes. Never paid one. NOT ONE! Fucking extort me? Fuck you.

* Favorite Color? Blue. WNRSGC fa life Cuzz.

* Sunset or Sunrise? Sunset. Yeah, I'm busy or asleep at sunrise.

There ya go.