
Friday, March 29, 2019

I Can Dig It. but, see here's the thing ...

This is going to be potentially very controversial. If you are easily offended by free thought bail the fuck out right now. Trust me, it's for the best.

Still with us? Okay well then.

A few days ago I ran across one of those lazy memes that get passed around every few years or so. I've seen this one before, but this time something struck me about the message. I would like to share the meme as I found it.

See here's the thing. I want to congratulate you on your ability to feel some kind of way about whatever you want. That's human rights and shit. I can dig it. BUT. Hiding from those who are trying to reach out to you is the recipe for utter loneliness. Yes, your fear of approach and openness comes from a place of deep fear and loss. Yes, it hurts and it binds your heart. It doesn't have to.

Trust and Faith are not one-way streets. Trust is a breezy country road on a spring day if you let it be. Faith? Well, faith is an interstate. Faith is what we must have in ourselves and if the little girl is still hiding in the dark corners of her life, maybe it's her imagination and not dark forces come to snatch her from her hidey hole. Maybe it's the savior, the bright light you pray for in the dark of the night alone with your bottle.

She pushes the light away because she feels safe in the dark with her demons of deceit and lust and lies. Murders of lies like a cloud of flies, blinding the truth. The truth? Maybe you were lost and abandoned once upon a time. Many of us were. That's no excuse to refuse to grow. Work to be less shy and less fragile and maybe the people around you won't judge you like the ...
The "Strong Stoic Woman" is a mask she wears to feel important in a world where she feels weak and alone. In a world that marginalizes her. It's a mistake. Nothing wrong with strong. Nothing wrong with stoic. Combine those with the lost little girl in the closet and wear them as a mask, disaster awaits. Take it from a Black male in America. Shy and fragile and in the closet isn't the way to go. If you want to be heard you have to be seen. How do you want to be seen? That's the question you have to ask and if your equation doesn't include that little spark in your heart ... What's the point? So, you can be a sarcastic cunt whenever it suits you to do so and then have the nerve to tell people to deal with it or fuck off. Charming. I wonder what your little soul spark would think of that. The world may never know because you keep her locked away in the dark, afraid and alone. 

In the end, it's the fear that's killing you. It's not the nightmares or the people you judge so harshly from your strong and stoic high horse. It's the fear that drives you. You are afraid of everything so you misjudge everyone. The only people you can allow yourself to be real with are the others who share your guilt and shame. You are wallowing in it and asking for us to understand the little light of your soul. None of us have ever seen it. From over here it's a myth. All we get is
"Strong Stoic Woman"
Yes, I know you're a strong woman. But you must look beyond, woman. Learn to see that someONE may be reaching out to lend you a hand up out of that dark corner where the little girl still lies, afraid. All I'm saying is if you love your light so much let it truly fly free. Allow it out of the darkness of fear and maybe it will symbiotically bind itself with the Strong Stoic Woman and make her less of a fucking bitch.

I'm just saying.


Bitch you don't muss me up no more
I don't share your business in the streets because I'm not an attention whore.